JPM is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company with a primary business focus on high-technology one-of-a-kind prototyping, product development, and machining. Manufacturing occurs secondarily when a particular component or product must be produced to especially narrow tolerances or when a product JPM has developed is so unique or complex that transferring it to a large manufacturer would be problematic.
JPM operations take place within or between three modalities: independent, joint, and mixed.
JPM is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company with a wide range of operational capabilities. We can be highly creative or precisely conforming, according to the needs of our customers.
Some customers and some projects require a high level of customer involvement, with customer approval at each project milestone. Other customers or projects require a low level of such involvement. JPM has long experience in a wide range of customer relationships and can adapt readily to what is wanted and needed.
NOTE: JPM is the only company in the region that combines the sophisticated, high-production capability of the HAAS EC-400PP Horizontal Machining Center, Matsuura MX-330 P10 5th axis production machining center, HAAS 5th axis machining centers with COBOTs, the MFI Model HZ-160 High Energy Finishing Machine, the Marubeni Citizen-Cincom K16E VII Swiss Precision Screw Machines (2), and the Okuma Genos M560-V Three-Axis Vertical Machining Center.
JPM combines these unique production capabilities with the most advanced quality-assurance tools available, including the Brown & Sharpe Global® Advantage Silver Edition Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) along with a HEXAGON OPTIV PERFORMANCE 664 Dual Z (CMM). JPM is ISO 9001:2015 Certified.
See SPECIAL CAPABILITIES for further information.